Legit Grants for Senior Citizens

Available Grants for Senior Citizens

As people enter their senior years, they may find themselves adjusting to living on a fixed income. Because of the limited funds, it can be difficult at times to pay for unexpected home repairs and maintenance. Senior citizens in this situation may qualify for various home-repair-assistance grants and programs.

Many seniors live on a fixed income, and could have trouble covering various costs, which puts them in a difficult position. Fortunately, there are several grants available for seniors that can assist them in different needs they might have, which could increase their quality of life. Grants for seniors come from different sources such as the federal government, non profit organizations and charities. 

Isn’t being a senior citizen great?  Think about, you can get discounts at so many different places; free coffees or sodas, free food, special discounts on clothes and magazines and just about anything else you might have it in mind to buy.  But did you know that there are also a number of grants that are available to senior citizens?

If you are a senior citizen who is looking for free money to help you pay for various projects, or even to deal with everyday living expenses, it helps to know where to look.  First, there is money that is available through funding by the Federal Government.  Secondly is the money that is available from private organizations and institutions.

There is a wide variety of grants for older adults available each year. Federal grants for elderly services can meet senior needs for nutrition, But did you know that there are also a number of grants that are available to senior citizens? If you are a senior citizen who is looking for free money to help you ... Grants are available to help senior citizens maintain and upkeep their homes while living on fixed or limited budgets.

Can senior citizens get Pell Grants?

Federal Grants With 50 grants available, senior citizens age 60 and older can find funding opportunities for services ranging from housing to nutrition. Senior citizens are also eligible for Pell grants, grants given to college-age students who show financial hardship and academic excellence.

The government provides financial assistance to many people. They don’t have much in common, except for one thing: They all applied for the aid packages they receive.

You can only receive grants you applied for.The government requires that people apply for government grants they’d like to receive.  All grants involve an application process, so if you haven’t applied for a grant, you will not be eligible to receive one.

There is a wide variety of grants available each year to support the needs of seniors. Federal grants can meet senior needs for nutrition, education, and housing. Foundations also offer specialized grants for organizations who are working with seniors and which are supporting education, good health, affordable housing, senior safety, and volunteerism. However, there are very few grants awarded specifically to an individual. Individuals seeking assistance need to work through agencies and organizations.

Federal Grants

Several different departments of the government offer federal grants for a variety of different purposes. Federal grants for senior citizens can be found on Federal Grants Wire. Examples of federal grants include:

Capital Assistance Program for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities provides funds to for the transportation needs of elderly persons in areas where public transportation services are not available or appropriate.

The Foster Grandparent Program is designed to promote volunteer service by persons 55 or older who have limited incomes. Funds are available to support volunteer programs that provide personalized service to children with exceptional or special needs.

Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing for the Elderly provides quality rental housing for the elderly. Funds are available for programs which insure mortgage lenders against loss and which increase the number of rental housing opportunities for seniors.

The Nutrition Services Incentive Program provides funds to state agencies on aging and Indian Tribal Organizations to purchase foods and commodities from the United States Department of Agriculture. These goods are to be used for nutrition services programs such as home-delivered meals.

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program issues grants to encourage persons 55 and older to volunteer for community service.

State Governments

You can apply to receive grant money from different states as well. Often the states get this money from the federal government and organizations and individuals apply to the states to receive the grant. For example, in Connecticut, you can apply for a grant to create or upgrade group housing for the elderly. In New York and some other states, you can apply for grant assistance for prescription costs for the elderly. Check your state government website or the Department of Social Services for your state, to see what options might be available.


Many foundations are looking for individuals and groups that provide educational, health and housing assistance for seniors. The Foundation Center provides a database that you can search for grants specifically for organizations that support senior citizens.

Examples of foundations that provide grants include:

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. provides grants for the support and care of older adults. This foundation gives out a significant number of grants per year. An organization that has a project that they would like to fund would have to submit a letter of inquiry and follow the submission process.

The Donald W. Reynolds Foundation awards grants to improve the lives and well-being of the elderly. Groups are asked specifically to submit proposals; unsolicited requests are usually not accepted. This foundation supplies millions of dollars in grants each year; however, the organization will stop making awards around the year 2022.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation aims to improve health for all Americans; however, the organization awards a significant number of grants to organizations, universities, and other tax-exempt entities for the care of the elderly.

The MetLife Foundation awards grants to support Alzheimer's research and healthy aging. Organizations may apply online for funding. If the foundation is interested in the proposal, they may request more information.

The AARP Foundation provides grants to nonprofits with proposals to assist low-income elderly people with housing, food, income, and personal contacts with family and community. Several times a year, the foundation issues a request for proposals; at this time, interested organizations can apply for a grant online.

Getting Grants for Seniors

If you or your organization would like to apply for a grant, it will require some preparation and effort. You may have to apply for more than one grant at a time or apply for several years before you receive some money. However, the good that you or your organization may be able to do for the elderly with some grant money may make it all worthwhile.   Senior citizens living in eligible areas and meeting low-income requirements can receive federal loans and grants for needed home repairs. Federal home repair loans up to $20,000 and home repair grants up to $7,500 are available to senior citizens aged 62 or older.

3 Types of Grants Available to SeniorsAging is expensive. Many seniors experience costly healthcare issues, have to scrounge up the money to make home modifications for aging in place, or find themselves facing the significant costs of staying in a senior care community. Even after a life of working hard, a lot of seniors find it hard to keep up with the costs of aging and need some extra help.
One source you may be able to turn to in certain contexts is grants. While most of the grants foundation and government entities offer are meant for organizations and programs rather than individual people, for a few particular needs you can find grants that will help out individuals.
Here are three types of grants likely to be useful for seniors:

Business Grants

For seniors who aren’t ready to quit but could use some help either getting a business going or keeping it going, business grants are available.
The AARP offers a grant called the Purpose Prize for people over 50 that are using their life experience to work on projects that will bring about positive change. The government provides a number of grants to help people wanting to start or run a small business, including some that emphasize veterans, women, and minorities.

Healthcare Grants

If you struggle with healthcare costs beyond what Medicare covers, you may be able to find a grant that will help you cover medical bills.
Organizations like the Healthwell Foundation and PAN Foundation provide grants for the medical costs of certain diseases. If you have one of the illnesses included on their list, they could be a resource to bring your overall costs down.
If you’re hoping to stay in your home, but know it needs some improvements for that to be practical, you may be able to qualify for a grant to help you cover the costs. Many states offer grants to low-income people who need help affording needed repairs and weatherization updates that will bring your costs for cooling and heating down. Grants for projects that make staying in your home safer for longer are sometimes called “nursing home diversion” programs since they help people who would otherwise need to move into a nursing home facility stay at home.
Veterans can also tap into grants devoted to home modifications. The Home Improvement and Structural Alteration (HISA) Grant, Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH) and Special Housing Adaptation Grant (SHA) are all worth looking into if you’re a veteran in need of home modifications due to a disability.
For people over 62 who live in rural areas, you may qualify for a single-family housing repair grant from the USDA that you can use for repairs and to remove any safety hazards from your home.

Government Grants for Senior Citizens

You’ve worked hard all of your life. Now that you’ve reached your golden years, you should be able to enjoy your time without having to worry about your financial situation. However, far too many senior citizens in the United States are struggling to make ends meet. The majority of people have worked and tried to put money away. Oftentimes, it simply isn’t enough to pay for everyday expenses, such as food, shelter, healthcare, and clothing. Living on a fixed income is hard enough. The constantly rising costs of virtually every necessity can make it virtually impossible.
If you are 65 years of age or older and you are experiencing financial hardship, there may be a way that you can get the assistance that you need. There are several grant opportunities that are available specifically for senior citizens. You may also find other grants and financial assistance that will help you avoid monetary strain and the stress that comes along with it.

What are Grants for Senior Citizens?

Grants are funds that are set aside by the federal government, non-profit agencies, for-profit organizations, and various other entities. Grants for seniors are intended to assist those who are aged 65 or older.
Many of the grant opportunities for senior citizens do not provide financial resourced directly to those who apply for them. Rather they are distributed to entities that provide assistance to seniors in various ways. Below, we will discuss some of the grant programs that are available for American seniors, as well as how you can apply for this free financial assistance.

1. Section 202 – Supportive Housing for the Elderly

This federal grant program is available for individuals that are 62 years of age or older who have an annual household income that is lower than the federal poverty level. This program offers options that enable the elderly to remain independent while living in a location that offers the support that they need on a daily basis; cooking, transportation, healthcare, cleaning, etc. Essentially, the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program makes it possible for senior citizens to avoid moving into a nursing home facility, as they can use the funding provided by the program to make improvements to their homes so that they can easily execute everyday tasks.
Like all grant programs, there are stringent eligibility requirements. In order to receive funding, you must be 62 years of age or older and have an annual income of 50% or more below the average yearly income. You can find out more details about eligibility and apply for this grant by visiting the HUD office in your local area.

2Very Low Income Housing Repair Program

Offered by the US Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (USDA), this federal grant program provides funds to very low-income seniors so that they can make repairs to their homes. For example, the funding provided by this grant can be used for mold remediation and to make a home more handicap accessible. The maximum amount distributed through this grant program is $7,500.
Eligibility requirements for the Very Low Income Housing Repair Program include being at least 62 years of age and earning an annual income lower than the federal poverty level. Additionally, applicants must live in specific rural locations where the population is 10,000 people or fewer. You can find out more about the eligibility requirements and begin the process of filing an application by visiting your local USDA agencies.

3. Capital Assistance Program for Elderly People

The Capital Assistance Program for Elderly People issues grants to non-profit organizations so that they can provide transportation for seniors in areas where public transportation is not available or is not sufficient enough to meet individual needs. Funding through this grant program is only available in rural and small urban areas. If you are a senior citizen who believes that improved transportation is needed in your area, you can speak with the Federal Transit Administration to learn more about this grant program and how it may be able to help you and other seniors in your area.

4. Administration on Aging Nutrition Program

The Administration on Aging Nutrition Program issues grants to local non-profit agencies and community organizations. They can offer senior citizens who are aged 60 or older with proper nutrition. The aim of this program is to reduce the number of hungry seniors, to improve the overall health and well-being of the elderly, and to provide healthful meals for seniors on a regular basis.

5. Foster Grandparent Program

This federal grant funds volunteer services for those who are ages 55 and older and who are living on a fixed, limited income. The goal of the program is to provide seniors with a way that they can spend time working with children in their local communities. This not only benefits youth but also benefits the elderly. The seniors who are involved with this program may work with children by teaching them how to read. They may also provide them with advice and insight, or by providing compassionate care for those who have been neglected or abused.
Seniors who are involved in the Foster Grandparent program typically spend between 15 and 40 hours a week in schools, hospitals, and day care or community centers, usually in impoverished areas.

6. Federal Pell Grant

The federal Pell Grant provides funding for low-income individuals who are interested in furthering their education. It’s a needs-based grant. That means that it is issued to those the federal government believes demonstrate a need for the funding. Often, Pell Grant recipients are younger students. However, seniors can qualify, as well, as there are no age restrictions. If you are approved, you can use the money that is provided by the Pell Grant to earn a college degree, which could be used to better your life or to simply fulfill a lifelong dream.


In conclusion, there are several grant opportunities available for senior citizens. These grants can be used to help pay for basic necessities, as well as to better your life, overall.